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Where can I take OCA 10g exam ?

Where can I take OCA 10g exam ?

Do I need to take OCA 10g exam at Oracle Test site only in order to get certified by Oracle?

I have found Authorized Prometric test sites for Oracle exam in HK from the link below:
But I cannot locate any Oracle exam offered by VUE.

More importantly,  I could not found 甲X園's name on it.     
Does that mean the Oracle exam offered and arranged by them is not the Official one ?
Can anyone give some advice ?  many thanks.

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Well, if u cannot find it, it means that they are not in the authorised list lo!
甲X園 is not the only center in HK can study Oracle, u can take others!

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I have called the Prometric hotline and they told me Oracle exam MUST be taken at Authorized Prometric Test site. They confirmed that 甲X園 used to be a Prometric Test site but they are Not now.

I have finished taking Oracle lesson at 甲X園 and already paid $1300 to register for a so called "Mock exam" and a "Open exam 公開試" arranged by them (i.e. they decide the Date for me).  The ONLY reason I paid is because the staff told me the exam fee include both mock and the real one.  This is true , but the tricky part is that they never told me they are NOT the Authorized test site.

That means even if I pass their Mock exam, they can only "安排及辦理所有考試登記手續" (this is what they claim on their website) and there is "保證合格" ( that means a free re-sit), but they never told me I still need to go to another authorized test site to take the Exam.

If I do not pass their Mock exam ( this will probably be true), there will be no 保證合格. What is the point of paying $1300.00 to take their mock exam only ONCE?   I could have bought a practice paper software that I can re-take many times !

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Hmm....., 去消費者告甲豆園?
NBA 10大廢柴:
Stephon Marbury,
Chauncey Billups,
Steve Francis,
Allen Iverson,

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原帖由 newbieuser 於 2008-5-15 04:19 PM 發表
That means even if I pass their Mock exam, they can only "安排及辦理所有考試登記手續" (this is what they claim on their website) and there is "保證合格" ( that means a free re-sit), but they never told me I still need to go to another authorized test site to take the Exam.

"甲子 "呢D問題,包括:
(1) 考試費特別貴,
(2) 讀完個Course,再拖你兩個月先俾你考,
(3) 有部份俾你旣Mock卷唔夠Pass Actual Exam,
(4) 報咗個Course開唔成,唔肯退錢,要你幫襯佢下個Course。
已經在這Forum 及其他Forum 成日有人討論嫁喇,你都要中埋去。叫人有什麼話可說呢?
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and just be my friend. (Old Irish Proverb)

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If  甲X園 was an Authorized test site, at least I could take the
oracle exam even though the exam fee is charged $303 higher
than the official fee ($997).

The teaching is bad, I can put up with that . The mock paper is
useless, I can still bear with it because I never think that
their paper will be useful. But I cannot accept that 甲X園 has no
right to provide the real OCA 10g exam

But there is one very strange thing......when I registered the
exam at 甲X園, I saw there were other students registering
or taking other exams  !!!!!!!!!

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NBA 10大廢柴:
Stephon Marbury,
Chauncey Billups,
Steve Francis,
Allen Iverson,

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消費者不是水魚, 我們報 Course 或考試, 也為兩餐.

Dump 可以找 而用了吾 update D dump去考試, 只可以話自己, 但 給了錢而這樣真的太過份..


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