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[電視] EIGHT-HD838 + USB 外置硬碟作錄影 (請大家分享一下錄影經驗吧!)

[電視] EIGHT-HD838 + USB 外置硬碟作錄影 (請大家分享一下錄影經驗吧!)

你用緊咩既USB 外置硬碟呀?

我發現Eight既USB port係長期供電的!   另外就係standby都係長期mount住USB device , 所以就算我部Buffalo外置既硬碟有提供auto mode(會自己去sleep)都無用 , 根本就會長著 , 大家有問呢個問題呀?

請大家用緊 2.5" USB 外置硬碟既用家 , 發表一吓意見吧!

[ 本帖最後由 willysan 於 2008-1-28 04:55 PM 編輯 ]

投票項目 ( 單選 ) 參與人數 1528

1. 2.5" USB 外置硬碟
2. 3.5" USB 外置硬碟
You may connect the hdd to your PC and delete the file FlPvrGrp.dat (to trigger STB to recognise your HDD) and then connect back to your STB.

之前試過, 無曬d 珍藏, 欲哭無淚.


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I have the similar problem (HD838 reboot forever after connect the external HD, i.e. you need to format the HD by HD838)

I think you may use the external HD with Windows or other OS, and you have copy many files to the external HD.

The OS of the HD838 seems find out all the files in the external HD, unfortunately, it may due to the OS or Application in the HD838. It will crash (i.e. reboot) after certain amount of file is examined.

If we just use the external HD for recording, then it should have no problem.
If we need to use the external HD with the PC (Windows XP, ..., etc) and many file will be copied in it, then we may need to ask Eight to see any work around.

I guess they may have some folder name, the OS will not check. Let say if the folder name is EIGHT, then the OS or Application will not check it, then you can put your files into that folder.

I've tried to mark the folder as read only and hidden (or even start with a ., file name start with a . is hidden in UNIX (or Linux, I guess the OS in HD838 is Linux), it still crash.

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請問160GB 可以錄幾耐呀?

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大約 23 小時

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前日教咗預錄, standby mode, 到時間錄影自動開機, 但係一開始錄影就reboot,
重連續reboot兩次至正常返繼續錄影, 平時預錄完會回復standby mode, 有次冇,

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原帖由 csiii 於 2008-3-16 07:14 PM 發表

應該得因TVB & ATV in same channel U can use 預綠1個台, 另╴個用即綠

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請問錄左係什麼Format? MPG?

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the format is .trp and you can use kmpplayer to view it; however only the "standard definition" recorded file can be seen.  I heard that we need at least 2G ram in order to read the "high defintion" file.  Does anyone know this?

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I mean viewing in PC.

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原帖由 Revelation 於 2008-3-21 11:46 AM 發表
the format is .trp and you can use kmpplayer to view it; however only the "standard definition" recorded file can be seen.  I heard that we need at least 2G ram in order to read the &qu ...

Thanks. I never play .trp in computer. But if playing HD files (e.g. MPG), using dual core CPU with 1GB RAM is ok.

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Does it mean that we can change the trp format to mpg and then view it in PC?

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