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[分享] ApowerREC多語言螢幕錄製軟體

[分享] ApowerREC多語言螢幕錄製軟體


ApowerREC is a multilingual screen recording software that allows users to capture various activities on their screens, including desktop actions, live streaming videos, and web meetings. It features a user-friendly interface and supports both audio recording and webcam integration, making it suitable for creating tutorials, gameplay videos, and more.
ApowerREC 是一款多語言螢幕錄製軟體,允許使用者捕捉螢幕上的各種活動,包括桌面操作、直播視訊和網路會議。它具有用戶友好的介面,支援音訊錄製和網路攝影機集成,使其適合創建教程、遊戲視訊等。

Key Features

-Screen Recording: Users can record the entire screen or select specific areas, with options to capture audio from the system or microphone.
-Webcam Recording: The software allows simultaneous recording of webcam footage alongside screen content.
-Task Scheduling: ApowerREC includes a built-in task scheduler, enabling automatic recording at specified times.
-Multilingual Support: The software interface is available in multiple languages, making it accessible to a broader audience.
-Output Formats: Recorded videos can be saved in various formats such as MP4, AVI, WMV, and MOV, providing flexibility in sharing and usage.
-Editing Tools: It offers basic editing capabilities, including the ability to add watermarks and perform real-time edits during recording.


[ 本帖最後由 ericteh888 於 2024-9-16 04:11 PM 編輯 ]

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